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Breathe Better with Sound Health's Sonu Band

20/12/24, 8:30 am

Breathe Better with Sound Health's Sonu Band

SoundHealth develops Sonu Belt, a band that offers customized, rapid relief from nasal congestion

The FDA-approved wearable device is dedicated to the treatment of moderate to severe nasal congestion. It works by using acoustic vibrational energy to provide personalized relief for nasal congestion. This vibration, according to the company, has been "shown to decrease symptoms of nasal congestion." To use the device, the company's app also scans a user's face and creates a digital map of their sinuses and calculates their optimal resonant frequencies. Following the initial scan, the user puts the SONU band around their head. Once it's turned on, the SONU band will deliver "frequencies tailored to the patient based on the app's calculations," the company said.

(source: )

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